I believe if these were more common, or even the default, it would reduce the learning curve of Vim in very pleasant ways. Even now, after knowing Vim well, I find the universal CTRL-C and CTRL-A nice.
" I select everything in a file far more than I increment an integer! Why not " make CTRL-A do what it does in almost every other program? nmap <C-a> ggVG " CTRL-C doesn't do anything valuable in Normal mode. Why not map it to what " it does in almost every other program? vmap <C-c> "+y
Martínez Ortiz Saúl Axel 6 years ago
No, it's not equivalente. The only equivalence to ys <Ctrl-[> and is independent
Jacky Alciné 10 years ago
sends an interrupt to Vim, equivalent to pressing<ESC>