10 years ago
Do you like dealing with Vim's in built pager? For all the power of Vim, that pager is probably the single most dysfunctional piece you'd find. Now you can do R excommand
and the output is piped into a buffer for your editing and navigating pleasure!
PS: this is not original - I just found it on reddit via justinmkw
func! ReadExCommandOutput(newbuf, cmd) redir => l:message silent! execute a:cmd redir END if a:newbuf | wincmd n | endif silent put=l:message endf command! -nargs=+ -bang -complete=command R call ReadExCommandOutput(<bang>1, <q-args>) inoremap <c-r>R <c-o>:<up><home>R! <cr>
eyalk5 6 years ago
Did something like that too!