Do you like dealing with Vim's in built pager? For all the power of Vim, that pager is probably the single most dysfunctional piece you'd find. Now you can do R excommand
and the output is piped into a buffer for your editing and navigating pleasure!
PS: this is not original - I just found it on reddit via justinmkw
func! ReadExCommandOutput(newbuf, cmd) redir => l:message silent! execute a:cmd redir END if a:newbuf | wincmd n | endif silent put=l:message endf command! -nargs=+ -bang -complete=command R call ReadExCommandOutput(<bang>1, <q-args>) inoremap <c-r>R <c-o>:<up><home>R! <cr>
eyalk5 6 years ago
Did something like that too!