Execute a command and place the output in a buffer

2 Points

Andrew Radev Andrew Radev

9 years ago

Some vim commands output quite a lot of text and it would be nice to get the output in a more readable format. This command lets you do that. Simply prefix any command-line invocation with :Bufferize and you'll get the standard output in a Vim buffer.

Try these examples out:

:Bufferize digraphs

:Bufferize map

:Bufferize let g:

command! -nargs=* -complete=command Bufferize call s:Bufferize(<q-args>)
function! s:Bufferize(cmd)
  let cmd = a:cmd
  redir => output
  silent exe cmd
  redir END

  setlocal nonumber
  call setline(1, split(output, "\n"))
  set nomodified

Israel Chauca Fuentes

Israel Chauca Fuentes 9 years ago

Use <q-args> instead to skip join().

Israel Chauca Fuentes

Israel Chauca Fuentes 9 years ago

Also, you can use setline(1, split(output, "\n")) to avoid the extra line at the end of the buffer.

Andrew Radev

Andrew Radev 9 years ago

Good points, thanks :).