Searches the character passed from the starting column on a visual block and aligns the lines to it.
function! MaxColumn(string, startline, endline, column) let l:cursor_save = getpos('.') let l:max_column = 0 for line in range(a:endline - a:startline + 1) call cursor(a:startline + line, a:column) call search(a:string, 'c', line('.')) let l:current_column = col('.') if l:current_column > l:max_column let l:max_column = l:current_column endif endfor call setpos('.', l:cursor_save) return l:max_column endfunction function! Align(string) range let col = min([ virtcol("'<"), virtcol("'>") ]) let l:cursor_save = getpos('.') let l:max_column = MaxColumn(a:string, a:firstline, a:lastline, col) for line in range(a:lastline - a:firstline + 1) call cursor(a:firstline + line, col) if search(a:string, 'c', line('.')) != 0 let delta_col = (l:max_column - col('.')) if delta_col > 0 exe "normal ".delta_col."i " endif endif endfor call setpos('.', l:cursor_save) endfunction command! -nargs=1 -range Align '<,'>call Align(<f-args>)
Zenith-One 10 years ago
Colons being the thing I want to align most, I added
vmap <leader>: :Align :<CR>
, withvmap <leader>= :Align =<CR>
close behind. Note: that works in all visual modes, not just block