An operator to adjust the height of a window.
" An operator to resize windows. This is nifty because when I " horizontally split a window, I'll oftentimes use one window for text " editing and the other to reference a bit of code. Since the " referenced code is usually a paragraph or other text object I can " quickly resize that window to encompass what I need to see and " maximize my screen real estate. TODO: Consider making this also " adjust horizontal width. There are 3 possibilities I see with this: " adjust vertical height, adjust horizontal width, or adjust both. I " wonder how I could reconcile those options or if it's even worth it. function! ResizeWindowOperator(type, ...) " After using an operator, the cursor is put at the " start of the operated text, so I think this is okay. let start_line = line('.') if a:0 let end_line = line("'>") else let end_line = line("']") endif execute "resize ".(end_line-start_line+1) normal! zt endfunction nnoremap <silent> zS :set operatorfunc=ResizeWindowOperator<CR>g@ vnoremap <silent> zS :<C-u>call ResizeWindowOperator(visualmode(), 1)<CR>