9 years ago
colored statusline with file permissions, file format, file type, spell lang, the current working directory and some more info
hi slred guifg=#F92672 guibg=#232526 gui=bold hi slgrn guifg=#A6E22E guibg=#232526 gui=bold hi slorg guifg=#FD971F guibg=#232526 gui=bold hi slblu guifg=#66D9EF guibg=#232526 gui=bold set statusline=%#slorg#CD=%{getcwd()}%=%#slred#\ PERM=%{getfperm(expand('%'))}\ FORMAT=%{&ff}\ TYPE=%Y\ SPELL=%{&spelllang}\ %#slgrn#\ LINE=%l/%L(%p%%)\ COL=%v\ BYTE=%o\ %#slblu#\ DEC=\%b\ HEX=\%B\