When you have a file open, say my_awesome_script.py, this function will find and open test_my_awesome_script.py. You have to open vim in the root directory of your project, though.
:call OpenTestFile()
function! OpenTestFile(split) let l:test_file = '**/[tT]est*' . expand('%:t') " echom l:test_file if a:split ==# 'vertical' vsplit elseif a:split ==# 'horizontal' split endif try execute "next" . ' ' . l:test_file catch if a:split ==# "horizontal" || a:split ==# "vertical" quit endif echom "No test file found." endtry endfunc nnoremap <Leader>ovt :callOpenTestFile("vertical")<cr> nnoremap <Leader>oht :call OpenTestFile("horizontal")<cr> nnoremap <Leader>ot :call OpenTestFile("")<cr>