Define your snippets for <filetype>
in ~/.vim/snippets/<filetype>.txt
and call LoadSnippets()
in ~/.vim/after/<filetype>.vim
. See the comment for usage.
" Snippets are collected in plain text files named after the file type. " Example snippet: " " snippet for " for (___) { " ___ " } " " A snippet definition starts with the `snippet' keyword followed by the name " of the snippet (for). The remaining lines contain the text that must be put " (verbatim) into the buffer. " " Three underscores are used for placeholders. At least one placeholder must be " present. The cursor is put at the first placeholder after expanding the " snippet. Use CTRL-B in Insert mode to jump to the next placeholder. " " To expand a snippet, type its name followed by … (alt-. in macOS). fun! LoadSnippets() let l:file = readfile($HOME.'/.vim/snippets/'.&ft.'.txt') let b:snippets = {} for l:line in l:file if l:line =~ '^snippet' let l:key = matchstr(l:line, '^snippet\s\+\zs.\+$') let b:snippets[l:key] = [] else call add(b:snippets[l:key], l:line) endif endfor inoremap <buffer> <c-b> <esc>gn"_c endf fun! ExpandSnippet() let l:key = matchstr(getline('.'), '\S\+\%'.col('.').'c') let l:snippet = get(b:snippets, l:key, []) if !empty(l:snippet) let l:indent = matchstr(getline('.'), '^\s\+') call setline('.', l:indent . l:snippet[0]) call append('.', map(l:snippet[1:-1], { _,t -> l:indent . t})) call search('___', 'csW') let @/ = '___' " Enable moving to the next placeholder with gnc normal "_3x return '' endif return '…' endf inoremap <silent> … <c-r>=exists('b:snippets') ? ExpandSnippet() : '…'<cr>