Interactively filter a list of items as you type, and return the selected item. Sort of a poor man's CtrlP. Use CTRL-K and CTRL-J to move up and down through the list; CTRL-L to clear the filter; ENTER to accept the current line; ESC to cancel. It's all self-contained!
You may anchor the pattern at the start or at the end with ^
and $
respectively, and you can match any single character with .
and any string with .*
. For instance, ^v.*m
will match Vim
and vrooom!
Although the code seems complicated, it's mostly bell-and-whistles. The core of the idea is extremely simple: (a) use :g
to filter out lines as the user is inserting characters; (b) use undo to restore a previous state when the user presses backspace.
: either a shell command that sends its output, one item per line, to stdout, or a List of items to be filtered.
: a String to be displayed at the command prompt.
Dealing with a multiple selection is left as an exercise to the reader :-)
fun! FilterClose(bufnr) wincmd p execute "bwipe" a:bufnr redraw echo "\r" return [] endf fun! FilterInteractively(input, prompt) abort let l:prompt = a:prompt . '>' let l:filter = '' " Text used to filter the list let l:undoseq = [] " Stack to tell whether to undo when pressing backspace (1 = undo, 0 = do not undo) botright 10new +setlocal\ buftype=nofile\ bufhidden=wipe\ \ nobuflisted\ nonumber\ norelativenumber\ noswapfile\ nowrap\ \ winfixheight\ foldmethod=manual\ nofoldenable\ modifiable\ noreadonly let l:cur_buf = bufnr('%') " Store current buffer number if type(a:input) ==# v:t_string let l:input = systemlist(a:input) call setline(1, l:input) else " Assume List call setline(1, a:input) endif setlocal cursorline redraw echo l:prompt . ' ' while 1 let l:error = 0 " Set to 1 when pattern is invalid try let ch = getchar() catch /^Vim:Interrupt$/ " CTRL-C return FilterClose(l:cur_buf) endtry if ch ==# "\<bs>" " Backspace let l:filter = l:filter[:-2] let l:undo = empty(l:undoseq) ? 0 : remove(l:undoseq, -1) if l:undo silent norm u endif elseif ch >=# 0x20 " Printable character let l:filter .= nr2char(ch) let l:seq_old = get(undotree(), 'seq_cur', 0) try " to ignore invalid regexps execute 'silent keepp g!:\m' . escape(l:filter, '~\[:') . ':norm "_dd' catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E/ let l:error = 1 endtry let l:seq_new = get(undotree(), 'seq_cur', 0) " seq_new != seq_old iff buffer has changed call add(l:undoseq, l:seq_new != l:seq_old) elseif ch ==# 0x1B " Escape return FilterClose(l:cur_buf) elseif ch ==# 0x0D " Enter let l:result = empty(getline('.')) ? [] : [getline('.')] call FilterClose(l:cur_buf) return l:result elseif ch ==# 0x0C " CTRL-L (clear) call setline(1, type(a:input) ==# v:t_string ? l:input : a:input) let l:undoseq = [] let l:filter = '' redraw elseif ch ==# 0x0B " CTRL-K norm k elseif ch ==# 0x0A " CTRL-J norm j endif redraw echo (l:error ? '[Invalid pattern] ' : '').l:prompt l:filter endwhile endf " Test let items = FilterInteractively( \ ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five'], 'Choose') echo "You have chosen: " empty(items) ? 'nothing' : items[0]