Briefly highlight the part of the buffer that was yanked. Does not work for blockwise yanks, e.g. yanking a region selected with visual block mode :h v_CTRL-V
. Also may flash the screen briefly due to redraw!
, without which highlighting may not always appear.
function! s:hl_yank() abort let [sl, el, sc, ec] = [line("'["), line("']"), col("'["), col("']")] if sl == el let pos_list = [[sl, sc, ec - sc + 1]] else let pos_list = [[sl, sc, col([sl, "$"]) - sc]] + range(sl + 1, el - 1) + [[el, 1, ec]] endif for chunk in range(0, len(pos_list), 8) call matchaddpos('IncSearch', pos_list[chunk:chunk + 7]) endfor redraw! call timer_start(500, {t_id -> clearmatches()}) endfunction augroup HlYank autocmd! autocmd TextYankPost * if v:event.operator ==# 'y' | call s:hl_yank() | endif augroup END