This snippet will send selected text with :h v
or send the whole paragraph the cursor is on. You need to provide the pane number of the pane you want to send the text to as count of the keybinding.
function! Send_to_tmux(visual, count) range abort let pane_index = system("tmux display-message -p '#{pane_index}'") if (pane_index == a:count) return endif let reg = @z if (a:visual) execute "normal! gv\"zy" else execute "normal! \"zyip" endif let text = @z let @z = reg let text = substitute(text, ';', '\\;', 'g') let text = substitute(text, '"', '\\"', 'g') let text = substitute(text, '\n', '" Enter "', 'g') let text = substitute(text, '!', '\\!', 'g') let text = substitute(text, '%', '\\%', 'g') let text = substitute(text, '#', '\\#', 'g') silent execute "!tmux send-keys -t " . a:count . " -- \"" . text . "\"" silent execute "!tmux send-keys -t " . a:count . "Enter" endfunction nnoremap <Leader>p :<C-u>call Send_to_tmux(0, v:count1)<CR> xnoremap <Leader>p :<C-u>call Send_to_tmux(1, v:count1)<CR>