This adds a couple commands for manipulating clojure (leiningen) repls:
:LeinRepl Starts a new repl; does not check if one is already running :LeinReplClose Close any (and all) existing repls :LeinReplRestart Convenience to close all repls and start up a new one
I have this in my ftplugin/clojure.vim
python << EOF import os, platform, subprocess, vim try: # only define once, please clj_repl_procs except: clj_repl_procs = [] def open_repl(): win = platform.system() == "Windows" env = None if platform.system() == "Darwin": env = os.environ.copy() env["PATH"] += ":/usr/local/bin" dir = os.path.dirname( proc = subprocess.Popen(['lein', 'repl'], env=env, cwd=dir, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=win) clj_repl_procs.append(proc) line = proc.stdout.readline() if not line: print "Error" else: # re-open the file to auto-connect # do like this to suppress the "return to continue" # and make it look fancy vim.command('e | redraw | echohl IncSearch | echo "Repl Started" | echohl None') def close_all_repl(): for proc in clj_repl_procs: proc.stdin.close() proc.kill() def restart_repl(): vim.command('redraw | echo "Closing Repl..."') close_all_repl() vim.command('redraw | echo "Restaring Repl..."') open_repl() EOF command! LeinRepl py open_repl() function! LeinReplCloseFunc() py close_all_repl() endfunction command! LeinReplClose call LeinReplCloseFunc() command! LeinReplRestart py restart_repl() augroup LeinShutDownGroup autocmd VimLeavePre * call LeinReplCloseFunc() augroup END