Maps jj to ESC

2 Points

Mattia Tezzele Mattia Tezzele

10 years ago

favorite line in my vimrc :)

inoremap jj <Esc>

Phil Pirozhkov

Phil Pirozhkov 10 years ago

kj or jk are faster to type

Mattia Tezzele

Mattia Tezzele 10 years ago

True! Need to test that out

Alexander Jeurissen

Alexander Jeurissen 7 years ago

if you don't like typing the Esc key to leave insert mode, you can also use Ctrl + cthat's what I'm using when working on my macbook, I rebind Capslock to Ctrl to make it easier to reach for that key.

Martínez Ortiz Saúl Axel

Martínez Ortiz Saúl Axel 6 years ago

The problem with Ctrl + c is that it doesn't trigger the InsertLeave autocomand.