Easier selection inside and around () and {}

1 Point

junk junk

9 years ago

Visually select everything inside or around () and {}. Fat fingers can have trouble getting to (){} . These mappings only save one keystroke but they're also easier.

nnoremap <leader>bi vi{
nnoremap <leader>pi vi(
nnoremap <leader>ba va{
nnoremap <leader>pa va(

Chris Penner

Chris Penner 9 years ago

Heads up,

vib - select inside ()

vab - select around ()

viB - select inside {}

vaB - select around {}

Are all already default bindings that should do what you need :)

You can also swap out the last letter for:

w - word


s - sentence

t - tag

p - paragraph

[ or ] for [ ]

< or > for <>

' for inside 's

" for inside "s```