Display the numbered registers, press a key and paste it to the buffer
function! Reg() reg echo "Register: " let char = nr2char(getchar()) if char != "\<Esc>" execute "normal! \"".char."p" endif redraw endfunction command! -nargs=0 Reg call Reg()
Ferran Pelayo Monfort 10 years ago
That line makes the :Reg command available (as an alias for :call Reg()). The normal <cr>
part was used to delete the trailing characters
error message but now it's not a problem anymore.
I've updated the snippet a little bit so it solves those problems.
craigp 10 years ago
Nice one, better than using YankStack or something like that
Zach Queal 5 years ago
Hey, this is really great! Thanks!
yang-ling 10 years ago
Sorry but I don't know how to use this snippet.
What does this
command! -nargs=0 Reg call Reg() | normal <cr>
do?I put the
function to my vimrc and executed the last command, but nothing happened.I directly executed
:call Reg()
and that worked.