Convert github url in the Plug 'author/name'
" 'Unify' all plugin managers under the `Plug` command command! -nargs=+ -bar Plug call minpac#add(<args>) function! AddPacFromCb(...) abort if v:version >= 801 || (v:version == 800 && has("patch1630")) let l:cb = trim(@+) else " do oldschool way to trim all spaces and whatnot let l:cb = substitute(@+,'\v^\s*(.{-})\s*\n$','\1','') endif let l:cb = substitute(l:cb, '\v^','','') if a:0 put = 'Plug ''' . l:cb . '''' else return 'Plug ''' . l:cb . '''' endif endfunction nnoremap <leader>l :call AddPacFromCb(1)<CR> iabbr plu <C-R>=AddPacFromCb()<CR>