10 years ago
A simple function that allow to change indentation size.
Use :Indent
command! Indent :call Indent() function! Indent() let s:size_of_indentation = input("New indentation (".&ts.",".&sts.",".&sw.") => ") if(s:size_of_indentation != '') execute "setlocal ts=".s:size_of_indentation."" execute "setlocal sts=".s:size_of_indentation."" execute "setlocal sw=".s:size_of_indentation."" endif endfunction
Martínez Ortiz Saúl Axel 6 years ago
This is my version that also reindents the file:
function! Indent(spaces) let &tabstop = a:spaces let &shiftwidth = a:spaces let &softtabstop = a:spaces execute "normal! gg=G\<C-o>\<C-o>" endfunction